
【看英文中國郵報學英文】第92屆奧斯卡昨(10)日頒獎,南韓電影《寄生上流》囊括最佳影片、導演、國際影片及原創劇本4項大獎,創下奧斯卡設立近一世紀以來的歷史新頁。South Korean movie “Parasite” made Oscar history during the 92nd Academy Awards, bagging the awards for best picture, best director, best foreign-language film and best original screenplay.雖然好萊塢眾星群起喝采,不過一名美國主持人卻在推特寫下,「他(導演奉俊昊)用韓文致謝詞,這些人毀了美國。」Although many big stars congratulated the director and cast, TV host Jon Miller blasted Bong Joon Ho on Twitter while the director was giving his acceptance speech in Korean, and claimed: “these people are the destruction of America”.美國節目「主持人Jon Miller在個人推特發文,「一個叫奉俊昊的男人打敗《從前,有個好萊塢》和《1917》贏得奧斯卡最佳原創劇本獎,上台致詞(用英文)說『非常榮幸,謝謝你們。』接著他用韓語說剩下的感言,這些人毀了美國。」The American TV host wrote “A man named Bong Joon Ho wins #Oscar for best original screenplay over Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and 1917. The acceptance speech was: ‘GREAT HONOR. THANK YOU.’ Then he proceeds to give the rest of his speech in Korean. These people are the destruction of America.而當典禮最後《寄生上流》奪下最佳影片,Jon Miller再度於推特發文,寫下:「LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL.(意旨呵呵呵呵呵)」,疑似嘲笑最終得獎結果。When the award for best picture was presented to “Parasite,” Jon Miller took to Twitter again and wrote: “LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL” seemingly mocking the results.Jon Miller頗具針對性的貼文引發大批網友不滿,本人隨後在留言處解釋,自己第一篇文章說的「這些人」並不是指韓國人,而是指那些為了做樣子而將獎項頒給他認爲挑起階級戰爭的外國片。他在貼文中表示其他兩部更值得獲獎。Jon Miller’s controversial post created a backlash online. He subsequently replied that “these people” didn’t mean Koreans, but rather the Hollywood magnates that chose “Parasite” as the best picture to show how “woke” they are.Miller argued that “Parasite” is a film that ‘stokes flames of class warfare’ and that the other two films ‘were more deserving’.雖然Jon Miller本人試圖自清,但美國知名歌手約翰傳奇相當不以為然,他質問,「你是收錢做這種愚蠢的事,還是你只是覺得好玩?」另一位女主持人Katie Phang則用英文、韓語回酸,「嘿Jon,如果你不喜歡韓國人,兔崽子給我滾(개새 끼 꺼 저 라)。」His explanation wasn’t received well as American singer John Legend responded “Do they pay you for these dumb takes or is this something you do for fun.”Another TV host Katie Phang responded in English and Korean under Miller’s post, saying “Hey Jon, if you don’t like Koreans: 개 새 끼 꺼 저 라 (roughly translating as ‘son of a b-, f- off’.)事實上,奉俊昊典禮當晚共上台4次,除了和全劇組領取最佳影片獎時沒有發言,另外3次都是帶著女翻譯員以英、韓文發表謝詞。In fact, Bong Joon Ho took the stage four times that night. The three times that he spoke, he brought a translator on stage and gave his acceptance speech in both Korean and English.對於Jon Miller的言論,奧斯卡官方、美國影藝學院(The Academy)目前未有任何回應。The Academy has yet to respond to Jon Miller’s controversial posts.更多 ChinaPost 新聞 Taiwan hospitals, clinics get extra face masks amid dwindling supplies Taiwan urges Philippines to cancel ban on local visitors Groups petition for support for healthcare workers, limits on evacuees

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